Helping followers
of Jesus live the
life He intended​.

ISAIAH 61:1-3


Caring for people brings me joy!

God designed me to walk alongside those who are facing challenges and difficult seasons in their lives.  Having served in various roles within the church, as well as being licensed mental heath counselor 12+ years, my approach is a blend of clinical experience with a pastoral heart.  

After receiving a Psychology major and Church Ministries & Bible minor from Clearwater Christian College, I continued on to earn a M.A. in Professional Counseling from Liberty University.  In 2012, I received license from the State of Florida to practice as a Mental Health Counselor.  Since that time, I have been in private practice, where I work with adults and couples through virtual sessions.

Outside of counseling, I enjoy spending time with my husband, coffee shop conversations with a friend, leading discipleship groups, being active outdoors, learning Spanish, and attempting to keep a few house plants alive.

It would be my great pleasure to meet and learn about YOU. 

Areas of Practice

My specializations within the field have been cultivated through a combination of formal education, clinical experience, and personal life experience.  My approach to counseling acknowledges the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors that contribute to a person’s overall functioning.

A comprehensive approach that addresses the multidimensional nature of people and relationships typically yields equally comprehensive results.

"Melissa has truly helped me change my life. I've gone to other counselors that made me feel as though I was just another paycheck or that they really were not listening to me at all. I've never had a counselor show so much genuine concern, concern that I felt and saw in her eyes; I never felt this with any other counselor in 15 years of counseling!!! I have learned more from her than I did from all the other counselors and doctors I have seen. God has blessed her with the most compassionate and caring heart I've ever seen, and she is the greatest counselor I've ever worked with."
"Melissa is a woman of strength and truth. She looks people in the eye and really listens to them; she accepts people for who they are and where they are at in life. Her razor sharp perception is balanced by a joyous sense of humor. She walks beside those she counsels with compassion. Melissa is passionately dedicated to assisting others through the difficult times and pointing them to a hope and a future."
- R.S
"I have never felt so free and at peace in my entire life! I feel like my thoughts are clearer than they have ever been. I feel happier than I have ever felt. I pray that God will give me opportunities in the future to impact people to the depth that I was impacted in my sessions with Melissa."
"Melissa not only has the degree to help people work through their problems, but she also has an overabundance of sincere love and compassion for people. She has a God-given desire to help people and has walked beside me and helped me work through my issues. I now understand what is causing my behavior and I also have the tools I need to work through unhealthy behaviors and correct them."
"As a result of Melissa's counseling I am thankful to be able to express myself and not be judged, as well as experiencing life without anger...while still making the right decisions when put in uncomfortable situations."

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